
Spectrum SMART:AppUser manualsProducts
Light warm, cold, colourful in one click or word

Download the Spectrum SMART app
for Android or iOS

sterowania oświetleniem - aplikacja googlesterowania oświetleniem - app store

Spectrum SMART app possibilities

  • Managing the devices:
    Adding, deleting and grouping which means controlling and managing a set of devices (for example: you can control 8 lamps with one switch or with one click in the phone).
  • Controlling devices:
    Brightness: smooth dimming and brightening of the light
    CCT/RGB: the possibility to change the colour temperature or the light colour
    Scenes: the ability to create scenes for a given room from a selected list (e.g.: day, night, work, relax, reading and others).
  • Activities automation
    Develop advanced action setup within the app.
  • Creating SMART scenarios
    Setting up the lighting parameters e.g. dependent on weather conditions, temperature, day/night, sunrise/sunset, location.
  • Remote control
    The ability to control the lighting from every place in the world (connections required using 2G, 3G, 4G)
  • Rooms’ management
    Assigning groups and creating features for specific rooms in your home (e.g. a different lighting setup in each room).
  • App account management
    Sharing the device control panel and adding family members - possibility to work on more than one Spectrum SMART app or to share the lighting device with other people

It is s simple - one template, many possibilities and scenarios

żarówka sterowana - scenariusz działania


You can create your own SMART scenario and name it with the keyboard shortcut that is switched on in one click.

żarówka sterowana - ustawienie pogody


Depending on the weather conditions, you can use developed scenarios, e.g. sunrise - turns off the light in the driveway, sunset - turns on the light in the driveway.

geolokalizacji GPS


Thanks to GPS on your phone, when your location is changing, the light will automatically turn on in the driveway, garage or garden as you approach your home in the evening.

harmonogram inteligentnego oświetlenia


Set the hour-based and day-based timing when the specific events i.e. scenarios/automations will be run.

interakcja między inteligentnymi urządzeniami

Interaction between the devices

One scenario can influence the operation of few chosen devices, e.g. with just one light switch on the first floor you can turn off the light on the ground floor, or turning on the main light in a specific room turns off the decorative light.


*More functions and possibilities can be found in the user manual.

Discover the possibilities of the
Spectrum SMART app

Watch the video


Voice control

voice commands

Control your smart lighting by giving voice commands to Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa

Steruj inteligentnym oświetleniem wydając polecenia głosowe asystentowi Google AssistantSteruj inteligentnym oświetleniem wydając polecenia głosowe asystentowi Amazon Alexa.
geolokalizacji GPS

Security of your data

Sleep well - your data is safe

Your data and settings are stored on servers in encrypted AES 128/256 bits cloud and devices. Communication channels are secured with TLS 1.2, dynamic keys and firewall, which ensures confidentiality of information exchange. Thanks to this technology, your data is safe.

geolokalizacji GPS

User manuals (PDF)


Spectrum SMART app user manual

A detailed description of the app functions can be found in the user manual


Device pairing instructions

Adding a new light source to the Spectrum SMART app


see Spectrum SMART products